I like music. I like all music unless its screamo. Yes I will even rap some for you.
I have over 15,000 songs on my very first iPod (yes its old as dirt, don't judge).
My music goes thru all decades and genres.
I love finding new artists. ReverbNation and I are BFFs.
I have over 15,000 songs on my very first iPod (yes its old as dirt, don't judge).
My music goes thru all decades and genres.
I love finding new artists. ReverbNation and I are BFFs.
I love following artists on Twitter...and a lot of them follow me. I like supporting artists that are deserving of good fortune and for folks to take a listen to. In another life I would so be a music concert/artist promoter!
Oh and I'm a Twitter fiend..can't help myself.
Oh and I'm a Twitter fiend..can't help myself.
I don't censor music for myself or my teens..I never have.
Nor do I censor books.
My teens listen to all types of music which makes me happy.
I only have to hear a song twice and I know all the words...I'm weird like that.
I can sing along with most any song you play...and my daughter inherited that gene..we are real annoying like that. ;)
Nor do I censor books.
My teens listen to all types of music which makes me happy.
I only have to hear a song twice and I know all the words...I'm weird like that.
I can sing along with most any song you play...and my daughter inherited that gene..we are real annoying like that. ;)
But my favorite genre is country...I can remember listening to country at age 4 in the backseat of my parent's station wagon singing along to songs on the 8-track.
Yeah I'm that old...I've listened to 8 tracks, records, tape cassettes to digital music.
I love that fact even if it makes me old, like a dinosaur :) shhhh.
Yeah I'm that old...I've listened to 8 tracks, records, tape cassettes to digital music.
I love that fact even if it makes me old, like a dinosaur :) shhhh.
John Denver, Jim Croce, Bread, Clearwater Creedence, Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson...now those songs take me back.
And to think record players are back on trend...it makes you hipster to listen to "vinyl" they call it.
I still call them records. I'm still confused by this "hipster" word...it annoys me. I have no idea why.
Alexa got a record player for Christmas...its pretty cute! (see pic above)
I want to steal some of my mom's old records...one day...when she's not looking (ha)!
I spend my extra money on books for my Kindle, music, antiques and concerts.
Things that make my heart and soul happy.
There is nothing like going to a concert and listening to music live. Its a whole 'nother level.
You are listening to this music, this artist...with others that know all the words and love it too.
The sound reverbates in your body...if you don't dance & shout & sing...well I don't know what to say.
It will move you......
during Florida Georgia Line's "Shine On" performance
I think I went to 29 concerts last year. And each one was a fabulous experience.
Tim McGraw was the best...we were right at the stage..yep touched him a few times <sigh>..but oh
just the whole experience...unforgettable.
I will go to concerts when I'm old and in a wheelchair...I will rock the hipster style in my jazzed and blinged out wheelchair...no doubt. Because I can.
Watch me!
Tyler Farr
I collect stories and experiences along the way. To me there is nothing better than having a memory, an experience and a story to share and remember.
Stories follow me.
It's just who I am.
Life is all about the stories.
Brian of Florida Georgia Line
My mom, my daughter and I like to go to concerts together.
We will travel and spend the night if need be..have car will travel I say.
We've stood in lines for 5+ hours to be first in the "pit" and right at the stage.
I've run like a crazy woman to be first at the stage...yes I will run you over.
I have almost passed out from the heat and frozen from the cold.
I have crazy, fun, weird experiences at most concerts.
Oh the stories I could tell.
I will tell you just one today.
This isn't the craziest...if you follow me on Facebook you've heard some of the craziest!
Tyler of Florida Georgia Line (my fave)
Recently my mom, me and my daughter traveled to Charlottesville, VA to see
Jason Aldean, Florida Georgia Line and Tyler Farr in concert. I won't tell you how many times I've seen the first two acts...its a lot...I may be obsessed...not roadie obsessed but close to it!
And Charlottesville is our second home...we are there a lot to see concerts.
Its a pretty town...great restaurants...home of UVA...lots to do.
But concerts are my #1 reason for visiting.
Its a pretty town...great restaurants...home of UVA...lots to do.
But concerts are my #1 reason for visiting.
Florida Georgia Line
This year I picked up our tickets at will call in the 10 deg weather and stood in a very LONG line to get in.
They scanned our tickets and told us the tickets were cancelled and we had to go BACK to will call.
You probably don't know me well...if you do then you are holding your breath waiting to see what I did..because you know how I am...ha!
I lack a filter at times and I don't back down easily, nor can you think you can walk over me. Don't underestimate me at any time. I'm very nice...to a point...then all bets are off.
I told them there was no way IN HELL we'd go back around the huge arena to will call in that weather when I had just been there...their problem, not mine.
After much consideration on many people's part....
I lack a filter at times and I don't back down easily, nor can you think you can walk over me. Don't underestimate me at any time. I'm very nice...to a point...then all bets are off.
I told them there was no way IN HELL we'd go back around the huge arena to will call in that weather when I had just been there...their problem, not mine.
After much consideration on many people's part....
They decided they could walk us through the arena instead...and were worried we might run away.
The people in front of us at will-call were told their tickets were fake...the woman was stunned...
she said nothing. Ummm that wouldn't have been my reaction at all.
My mom and daughter were slowly backing away from me and the window...they knew what I was going to do or say and it wasn't going to be pretty...if they told me the same.
Luckily for them we didn't need to go there ;)
They had moved us from Row J on the floor to the front of the stage behind the pit...they had to move our row for whatever reason. So we ended up with much better seats and I didn't have to make a scene.
My migraine and rant was receding from memory at this point.
My migraine and rant was receding from memory at this point.
Of course there was the issue of my car..ummm ya know...it could possibly be towed.
We park at the outlets and walk over because of traffic..one time we were stuck in the parking garage for 1.5 hours AFTER the show ended..yeah never again.
Its just easier to park at the outlets, walk and I've done it before.
Its just easier to park at the outlets, walk and I've done it before.
Well this year there were signs..ummm I didn't see those..someone knocked them over <wink>
I texted the hubs that we could be towed but that he shouldn't have to worry.
His response...."ok"...the man knows me too well...he never gets overly excited.
His response...."ok"...the man knows me too well...he never gets overly excited.
I mean being towed would be easier to explain than a phone call from jail right?
And he's always waiting for a jail call...hmmpppftttt...wouldn't be my fault if that happened ;)
I mean if you are drunk and touching or annoying me, I will make sure you know I'm not happy.
If you spill stuff on me because you drank too much, you will know I'm not happy.
If you try to push my daughter or mother, you will know I'm not happy.
If you hit my car, you will know I'm not happy.
Get the drift?
Florida Georgia Line put on the most amazing, hoppin' concert it will blow your mind.
They are my fave!
But we had a good time.
The concert was amazing...our seats were the best.
And I got these great pictures.
So I could remember...and share with you.
Aren't you lucky?
Jason Aldean
We finished up the evening with our usual trip to the Waffle House.
That's good eatin' right there...mmmm.
Open 24 hours...cheap...homecooked breakfast foods.
Just say yes to smothered hash browns, egg sandwiches and chocolate chip waffles.
Does a body GOOD...real good!
And we came home with some more stories.
To add to the memory bank.
Because that's what its all about.
Being together, having fun, laughing and enjoying!
Have you been to a great concert lately?
Who is your favorite act to see?
Are you a music addict like myself?
Tell me!!!