life is always about the journey...

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Graduation Party-time!!!


One of Alexa's Senior Photos
There is a reflection because I could NOT get the darn picture out of the frame today...either I was weak from exhaustion or the frame was having fun with me...grrrrrr!

I know, I know....its been over a week since I've posted...I apologize.
We have had a whirlwind of activities around our house gearing up for graduation and the
graduation party for Alexa that happened this weekend!


It's all over was an emotional roller coaster, physically exhausting but lots of memories were made and a good time had by all.  Today I'm sharing pics of our Graduation Party that we had on Saturday.  Then this week I will share graduation photos....and project pics for other things I've been working on!

So lots of pictures in this post....but enjoy!!

This was a table I set up in our foyer for the party.  A few pics of Alexa, a place to put gifts/cards, balloons and flowers for the graduation girl.  Also my "KEYS TO SUCCESS".....

I had ordered bulk bags of silver skeleton keys on Amazon and cut tags for them on my Silhouette Cameo.  I used black cardstock because I wanted it to have a chalkboard feel and I had white-gel pens for people to use to write with.  She won't get the jar of keys and tags until we drop her off at college...I wanted her to have something long after the party ended to reminisce on and laugh/cry at.  Some of the tags are silly I'm sure, some are great pieces of advice and some are some tips she may need at some point.  The large jar I got on Amazon too...I liked the lid and size.

I had a lot of food for this party...and I was stressed I wouldn't have enough for the 65+ people.  But I always have too much food....we donated all the leftovers from catering to the local homeless shelter because I didn't want it going to waste.  I had Red Hot & Blue cater pulled pork, baked beans and potato salad....sandwiches from Which platters and cake from Wegmans. I made lemonade, fruit salad and desserts.  My mom made 2 platters of Texas Brownies...mmm yum!

This was the beverage station I set up....I made homemade strawberry lemonade and wrapped water bottles with custom wrappers I made.  We had wine and beer and sodas in coolers outside.

I had bought 50 blue mason jars and striped straws for the was one of the theme colors since Alexa's school colors are blue, white and black.

I had a white cake made by Wegmans and inside was stuffed with fresh strawberries and was really, really good.  I decorated it myself...hahahaha...the black icing kinda melted a bit but I used a Gamecock decal and some footballs from the Party Store along with worked.

I didn't get the best pictures of this because I was rushed for time....but I had bulk-ordered small white take-out boxes and made stickers for the front of each.  Then used striped tissue paper to line them and fill half with Kettle Corn and half with Cheddar Popcorn. Then everyone could grab a box and chow down.  Those are my mom's Texas Brownies to the right...mmmm ;)

I had bouquets of white roses and daisies around the house including that lovely centerpiece I had my dad make me.  I keep fresh flowers in it every week.

This is our backyard patio and cabana all decked out for the party.  The coolers were a necessity to hold all the drinks we needed iced down :)  I love my patio because of all the different seating areas and places to be depending on the weather and activity.

My hubs and son helping get ready!  That's my mom's dog Snickers surveying the scene in most pictures LOL (no I didn't get a new dog)!

This is one of my fave little sitting areas as it sits behind the main seating area/fireplace...the butterfly bush and grasses are at edge of patio so there are always hummingbirds and butterflies flitting around. Its kind of hidden and a great place to read and get away.

Alexa with a group of her friends.  The bar to the left is one of two bars..I love the round bar addition because its another great place for seating or food buffet.

My niece, my mom and my sister-in-law.

Alexa and her friends using the photo booth props I ordered and some I had made.

Alexa's BFF Mya came up from Georgia for the party and to see her friends graduate. She grew up with them all but moved at the end of her junior year...was nice she could see everyone!

Alexa opening some of her graduation gifts...the girl made out well...thank you to everyone that sent or gave a gift, we are so happy you were able to come and join us to celebrate her successes and future!

Annnnnddddd...this is what happens at the end of a great day when you are slap-happy and tired!
Alexa and the hubs show their goofy sides ;)
James kept asking Alexa all day if she wanted to "take a selfie" hahahaha and singing "It's the Final Countdown" song to her.  So they had to take a selfie together hahaha!

I will be back on Thursday with Grad Pictures to share......

Entering In The Following Linky Parties:

Family Fun Friday

WOW Us Wednesdays

Summer Celebration Link Party

DIY Showoff/ Fun In The Sun Party

The DIY Dreamer

Ivy & Elephants



  1. You really are something Suzanne. Because of you, your daughter will have such amazing and beautiful memories when she looks back on her childhood. You have given her all she needs to succeed in life and I wish her nothing but wonderful things to come. What a joy it was for me to look at all these pictures too!

  2. Awww Suzanne what a beautiful tribute to Alexa's graduation party. Everything looked amazing. Thank you for sharing all this with us. It made me feel just like I was there. :-) I am so thrilled everything turned out so beautifully. <3

  3. I find your posts/blogs so fascinating. You are so detailed oriented and creative. Looking forward to you sharing more.

  4. You lost me when you mentioned Red, Hot and Blue potato salad. Omg I could eat a pound of that myself. The party looks like it was a great memory for all of you. Your decorations were perfect and your back yard provided the perfect setting for a June party.

    It seems funny how similar our lives are right now. You with your daughter, mine with a granddaughter. Seeing the Gamecock Bag and cake seems funny too. My son, daughter and son-in-law all went there. Funny but none of my Grans chose to go there yet. Job well done on the party Suzanne.

  5. Beautiful party. Thanks for sharing pics with us. A big congrats to Alexa and best wishes as she begins the journey for the next phase of her life.

  6. I always enjoy your blog but this one is so special! Congrats Alexa--I wish you the best!! You had a wonderful graduation party and so many memories made!!! Now, I'll be looking forward to the college freshman pics!!!

  7. You made everything look so beautiful for your baby girl! Congrats to all of you!

  8. How do you do it all??????


  9. An absolutely beautiful young lady will fare well in life because of you and James. She has such a good grounding and has I am sure a full appreciation for life. Because of your wonderful abilities Suzanne she has had the best life can offer in so many ways. Roy and I wish Alexa a wonderful start to the next stage of her life. She will ACHIEVE, the sky is the limit or maybe not, possibly beyond....I believe Alexa will accomplish all her goals and dreams.
    hugs, Diana

  10. Wow, wow, wow! I want you to adopt me ... and I'm older than you!!! What an amazing party. I love the key/tag/advice idea!

  11. I am in love with your Keys to Success. Congratulations to Alexa and for your fabulous gathering. I would love it if you would share this fab post at our WIW linky party. I hope you can join us!


  12. I soooo wish I could have been there but truly feel like I was (of course I was there in spirit and heart!) I know how hard you worked on making sure Alexa has a lot of great memories of this time in her life but know that you are glad that it is done for sure! Next step is getting her to college....I am buying stock in Kleenex's right now since I am sure their profit's are going to go up LOL!


Thanks so much for visiting me, I hope I made you smile or inspired you in some way! I appreciate you stopping by!

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