life is always about the journey...

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday Thoughts....

A pic I took on my daily walks through my neighborhood


Ok here we go......

If you love yoga or want to learn this article which has some good & eye-opening points in it.  I started with Gaiam's 14 Day Beginner Yoga challenge....workouts every day along with articles to get you started off right. You can get a free trial of Gaiam TV and then its $9.95 a month...I really love the site, videos & articles.  And also check out this book...its free with the Kindle Unlimited Plan!
Helped this girl out immensely!

If you love country music...check out Sam Hunt's new album. He's been an amazing songwriter for so many huge artists but he can rock it "Break Up In a Small Town".  (and yeah, he's easy on the ole' eyes too..hehe)

One of my favorite new home-decor blogs is "Jenna Sue"....check out her before pictures of her home they've redone. It ALMOST makes me want to kick my bum in gear and finish up my home projects that are lingering hahaha!

If you haven't had a chance to see the movie "Chef"...please do.  Its a really good movie with a huge ensemble cast of awesome talent (including the hot..umm fab Robert Downey Jr).


Do you like to snack but are watching what you put in your mouth but need some fresh ideas? Then check out GRAZE - I started a subscription to GRAZE online and they ship pre-packed, healthy snacks to me every week.  I love the variety and getting to try new spend a few minutes going through their foods and favoriting things so they know what you love & hate.  I figured I'd try it for 3-4 months to get used to portion sizes and different snack foods and then work from there on my own.  If you decide to try it...use BETTERHG as the promotional code to get your first box of snacks free.

Vests are all the rage this fall/winter...I have a few that I've had for a few years but felt I needed a red one to add to the ole collection, hehehe.  You can find them everywhere and some are quite pricey.  But I found these vests at Old Navy for a good price and fit great...they are only $25 right now. The heavier padded ones are nice too, but both have fleece lining...see the heavier ones HERE (only $20)


And now that the cold weather is starting to creep on in....its time to pull out the fuzzy & warm pjs...well at least for me.  I add a new pair to my collection every year and you just can't go wrong with THESE from Nordstroms (I got the pink cowgirl ones...yeehaw..but I see they are sold out now bummer)!

And last but not least....if you read my blog you will especially understand my need to post this:

Have a great weekend everyone!!!


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Busy Life....

I am busy some days I feel like I'm living in a fog...course that could be the meds they have me on too hahahaha!  We have so much to get done before Alexa graduates and me having been sick and recovering from surgery did not help speed things up at all.  So I was behind before I started basically...ohhhh great!

HOWEVER, having dealt with health issues a good portion of my life, I know that busy is as busy does.  You can have a 100 things on your to-do list but that doesn't slow down life or save it for you to enjoy later. You have to make the conscious choice to live the moments in between the busy and everyday chores and to-dos as much as you can.  So I may be busy most days planning graduation parties, making presents, planning surprises, making lists and getting home chores and projects done...but I'm still trying to enjoy life...and JUST breathe a bit.  

Alexa's solo video is won't let me embed it for some reason arghh!
Alexa is singing the solo at the very beginning...I didn't know she had a solo till we got to the school because she knows I get very nervous LOL!  But I did manage to get it on video...she's at top, at right...the blonde holding the book with the brunette.

Yesterday it was lunch out with friends and my daughter's last choral concert.  Today I'm working on some fun projects I will share with you soon but I'm also going to sit outside on my patio, read and have a homemade lunch for 45 mins.  I also insist we sit down as a family at the table and have dinner most nights when we phones & sometimes no just catch up and talk.  
So many ways to add MOMENTS to your life despite the busy-ness of it all.

So stick with me...I have some projects I know you will like coming to the blog that I've been working on.  But I'm also enjoying the moments of my life, my family's life and just every day "nothings" while I can.  Because when we are gone we can't get any of that time back....priorities are important and family and life are tops for me!


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Let It Be....

Today...well today I'm doing something that I wish I wasn't, but that's the way life works sometimes.
I'm having surgery...I hate surgery...I can't control it and there is nothing nice about it. I mourn the time spent recovering because I'm not a good patient...I'm impatient, stubborn and sassy..because I'd rather be doing other things ya know.
 Life doesn't ever go the way you've planned and the Lord knows I'm a Type-A-planner-control-freak at my best.  I just deem these bumps in the roads as tests and I'm planning on acing them y'all.

Every year I hope I grow wiser of course, but one thing I try to remind myself when I'm stressed, sick, worried, angry, hasseled, hurried, annoyed, flustered, or to just "let it be".

In fact I bought myself this leather bracelet from Eva & Lenny with those very words on it in January.
This way I always have a daily reminder.  My other bracelet says "Strength" which goes along with the "fearless" tattoo I  have on my wrist. Words that are important to me, not only to remember but embrace and show within myself and my life.


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Words of Wisdom.....

From Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore....and Tigger too!

Some days you have to revert to what you know, what comforts you, what makes you smile and the simplicity of great words strung together.  
I'm going through my own "stuff" right now and I have to say that Winnie the Pooh and friends just always makes me smile...makes it all seem a bit better.  I admit I have a few Winnie the Pooh art pieces, quotes and books in my house...they never go out of style and are a necessity in the sanity of my life!

Some good life mottos and philosophies from these cute animals I'll have you know!
So yeah, I'm weird like that but I'm sharing some of my faves in hopes they cheer you too!

My personal motto right now!


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