life is always about the journey...

Monday, April 7, 2014

America's Fave Pastime......

Nationals Drumline & entry to park

Happy Monday friends!  I got to spend Friday at one of my favorite places this weekend (no not the beach..but I'll be at beach in 7 days for Spring Break, whoot)! 
I love being at the Nationals ballpark...just something about being at a ballpark.  We have season tickets and we enjoy every game...cheering, booing, yelling, and dancing, and YES eating...its all good.
Its also something the WHOLE family loves and enjoys doing together...and with teens you can't beat that quality time!

Opening Day Flag unfurled by the Navy's Midshipmen...always gets me teary!

And what is better than spending the day at Opening Day with your favorite team eh?
I informed the fam that I was going...recovery or I did..and loved every minute.
Seriously blessed to be able to be at the Park with my family!
I was soooo exhausted but it was so worth it even though we lost by 1 run on Opening Day.

I'm not Nats gonna take it to the World Series ya know :)
This is the view from our seats this season...same as last year except we are back 2 rows to be under the overhang.  Helpful if it rains or relief from the hot summer sun.  We love the view!

I had to try some of the new food the park is offering...hubby stood in line a LONG time to get me this crab pretzel.
But it sure was yummy :)

And its not a ballpark visit unless I buy a Nats item from the Team Store...its a running joke with my family...I cannot leave the park without buying something.  My closet is packed with "Nats clothing options" heehee.  So on Friday I got this awesome iphone with polka-dots...its so cute!!

Are you a baseball fan?  
Do you love it like me? 

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