life is always about the journey...

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Let It Be....

Today...well today I'm doing something that I wish I wasn't, but that's the way life works sometimes.
I'm having surgery...I hate surgery...I can't control it and there is nothing nice about it. I mourn the time spent recovering because I'm not a good patient...I'm impatient, stubborn and sassy..because I'd rather be doing other things ya know.
 Life doesn't ever go the way you've planned and the Lord knows I'm a Type-A-planner-control-freak at my best.  I just deem these bumps in the roads as tests and I'm planning on acing them y'all.

Every year I hope I grow wiser of course, but one thing I try to remind myself when I'm stressed, sick, worried, angry, hasseled, hurried, annoyed, flustered, or to just "let it be".

In fact I bought myself this leather bracelet from Eva & Lenny with those very words on it in January.
This way I always have a daily reminder.  My other bracelet says "Strength" which goes along with the "fearless" tattoo I  have on my wrist. Words that are important to me, not only to remember but embrace and show within myself and my life.

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